Pope Francis ‘not ready’ to resign despite writing resignation

Pope Francis 'not ready' to resign despite writing resignation


Wilson Adekumola

Pope Francis has dispelled the insinuation that he may resign his position due to health issue saying that resignation of a pope should not become the norm within the Catholic Church, and that prospect is not “on my agenda”.

Pope Francis made this disclosure in an interview published in the magazine Civilta Cattolica on Thursday.

He actually admitted writing a resignation letter two months after occupying the revered position in 2013.

Francis said, writing a resignation letter two months after becoming pope in 2013 in case of future health problems that would prevent him from carrying out his work.

“However, this does not at all mean that resigning popes should become, let’s say, a ‘fashion’, a normal thing. ”

It was said that, the pope made the comments on February 2 during a question and answer session with 82 Jesuits as part of his recent visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“I, for the moment, do not have that on my agenda. I believe that the pope’s ministry is ‘ad vitam’” Latin for ‘for life’), Francis said, adding that “historical tradition” was important.

86-year-old Francis has previously acknowledged that he could step down should his health require it.

His recent health problems, including chronic knee pain that has confined him to wheelchair have only stirred the speculation he may resign at some point.

Francis, however, made reference to that speculation in the interview.

“If, on the other hand, we are listening to the ‘chatter,’ well, then we should change popes every six months!” he said.